
Image result for newspaper
  • Use- Newspapers
  • Properties- Easy to print on, thin
  • Price- Low
  • Gsm- 
Layout Paper
Image result for layout paper
  • Use- Initial Ideas
  • Properties- Thin, good surface for colouring
  • Price- Low
  • Gsm- 60
Tracing Paper
Image result for tracing paper
  • Use- Tracing/copies
  • Properties- Thin, Translucent
  • Price- Relatively High
  • Gsm- 40
Coloured paper

Image result for coloured paper
  • Use- Mounting work
  • Properties- Range of colours
  • Price- Medium
  • Gsm- 80
Bleed Proof Paper
Image result for bleedproof paper
  • Use- Ink drawings/painting
  • Properties- Prevents water/spirits from 'running'
  • Price- High
  • Gsm- 140
Cartridge Paper
Image result for cartridgepaper]
  • Use- General
  • Properties- Good surface for drawing. Creamy white with a slight texture
  • Price- High
  • Gsm- 140
Photocopier Paper
Image result for photocopier paper
  • Use- Printers, general
  • Properties- High quality surface
  • Price- Medium
  • Gsm- 80
Inkjet Laser Photo Paper
Image result for inkjet laSER PHOTO PAPER
  • Use- Photo presentation
  • Properties- gloss finish and quick-dry surface
  • Price- High
  • Gsm-
